Home Services


Library2Go extends the service area of the Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library to residents who may not have the opportunity to visit.

Each stop provides an opportunity to:

  • Register or renew a library card.
  • Place holds on library materials.
  • Pick up materials placed on hold.
  • Return library materials.
  • Check out from a selection of popular materials: regular print fiction & nonfiction books, large print fiction books, magazines, and DVDs.
  • Use wireless Internet access for personal devices.
  • Print wirelessly.
Library2Go Van


For more information, please call 813-204-2678.

¡Materiales de la biblioteca disponibles para su uso, acceso al internet, y otros programas bibliotecarios!



During the Depression, Works Projects Administration funds made bookmobile service possible.

In the 1950s, the bookmobile was known as the Traveling Branch and was quite popular among its users.

During the 1960s, the bookmobile served as a mobile neighborhood branch while library locations were being built or remodeled.

In 2001, the bookmobile underwent a refurbishment to reflect the new look of the Hillsborough County Public Library Cooperative.