Items listed below are examples of refreshments that may require addenda. This list is not exhaustive; contact library staff for more information.
Addendum required
- Any food considered a meal
- Fast food & carry-out
- Sandwiches
- Deli platters
- Dips & spreads
- Pizza
- Fried foods
- Soup
- Salad
- Fruit
- Cake & cupcakes
- Doughnuts & pastries
- Bagels & accompaniments
- Punch, juice, soda (not in covered container)
Addendum not required
- Items from library vending machines
- Crackers
- Chips
- Pretzels
- Popcorn
- Cookies
- Packaged candy
- Covered beverages
- Bottled water
- Bottled sodas
- Coffee in any format / container