Florida Library Association's Library of the Year

During 2018, Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library became the most accessible library in Florida by:

Eliminating overdue fines, welcoming back 15,000 customers previously unable to use library resources and increasing use of the library’s materials and services.

Just Bring It Back!

Opening our 27th branch, the 15,000 square foot Arthenia L. Joyner University Area Community Library, in partnership with Hillsborough County Public Schools.

University Area Community Library building

Offering unique programs & services, including:

Launching our HCPLC music video.

Extending our service hours at seven branches, adding a total of 14 hours per week.

Offering classes in partnership with community organizations such as Stageworks Theatre, Tampa Bay History Center, University of South Florida, UF/IFAS Extension, Florida Department of Health, and Moffitt Cancer Center.

Providing an engaging and easy-to-use website, which received the Florida Library Association’s 2019 Library Web Presence Award.

Modernizing our staffing model to offer more classes, instruction, and community engagement.

Showcasing our program and service models with other libraries at the Florida Library Association’s Annual Conference and the Urban Libraries Council’s Annual Forum.

Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library’s innovative services were also recognized by:

Our programs and initiatives were shared widely on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and by local media outlets. The Florida Library Association recognized local news channel WTTA Great 38 with the Outstanding Business or Media Partner Award for its monthly segment highlighting library services.